Our specialist debt advisor is able to offer you advice in the following areas:

  • Mortgage & Rent Arrears
  • Filing for Bankruptcy
  • Statutory Demand
  • Applying for a Debt Relief Order
  • Charging Orders/Order for Sale
  • Overpayment of Benefits
  • Council Tax Arrears
  • Parking Fines/Magistrates Court Fines
  • Utility Debts
  • Variation of Orders/ Setting Aside Judgment Orders
  • Time Orders
  • Challenging Debts

Our Debt Unit offers appointments throughout the borough and at the Law Centre

Outreach Appointments

For a full list of our Debt Unit’s outreach appointments, please click here.

To Make an Appointment

Please contact our Reception & Referral Team at 020 7288 7630 during normal operating hours.

"My debt solicitor was always polite and contactable. She took so much stress away from me. I am so grateful for all her help!"

− Islington resident