ILC has developed real expertise in the development and delivery of high quality outreach services. These enable us to assist people who would not be able to get to the Law Centre and who may face barriers in accessing services.
Independent Advice Project
Funded by Islington Council, this project provides 7 outreach sessions a week in local housing offices, offering welfare benefits and housing assistance. The focus is on preventing possession proceedings and evictions.
Three Advice Projects
The Three Advice Projects deliver 9 outreach sessions each week in community venues. Focused on Finsbury Park, Essex Road and South Islington/Caledonian Road, residents can get help in three areas of law – housing, debt and welfare benefits. For an appointment, please call our reception team during regular operating hours at 020 7288 7630 or Help On Your Doorstep at 0203 227 0077.
Hackney Migrant Centre
We provide a weekly session with Hackney Migrant Centre offering immigration and asylum advice. The Centre provides a valuable source of support to people who may have very few other services open to them.